With the essence of success in every drop, Tabarome Millesime is a fragrance for men who aspire to be leaders. In the aristocratic British tradition of fine brandy and high-quality cigars, this blend is an avant-garde take on a classic favorite. The name Tabarome honors the pinch of finest tobacco aroma that gives this fragrance its english club luxury. Warm ginger and seductive sandalwood are rendered robust with the addition of leather to the masculine mix. Modern and assertive, this woody-fresh scent is also enjoyed by women who love the men who swear by it.
Apply fragrance to clean skin after showering, targeting pulse points such as wrists and behind the neck for optimal scent diffusion. Use a non-scented moisturizer first to prolong fragrance life. Avoid direct application on clothes and sensitive skin to prevent irritation and preserve the integrity of the scent.